Discover new functionality
Discover a series of new features available now in Terraviewer, the online EO browser for free and unlimited access to satellite data and derived information products.
- “Take a tour” shows you around the viewer and explains how it works. We will update the tour regularly to explain new items or to just take you to nice images
- In the Layers panel, there is an additional section “External layers”. Here we use web services from other data providers to show
- The latest orthophotos of the Flemish, Brussels and Walloon region
- The crops grown on the agricultural parcels in Wallonia and Flanders (latest available information) – this is a big dataset, so it is better to zoom in to limit the loading time.
- The 1777 Ferraris map which shows how the landscape has changed over almost 250 years
These external layers can also be used in the Compare panel
- Under the hood, many small things (including bugs) have been addressed, which leads to a more stable Terrascope viewer
- As for data availability: the Sentinel-1 SLC data archive of Belgium is close to completion