This forum applies to Terrascope and Proba-V MEP.
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Time series based on PROBA-V derived products are available via the PROB-V MEP Time series viewer (see In the Terrascope viewer, you can generate Sentinel-2 based timeseries. Go to "Areas of interest", draw a polygon, and use the "Show info" button.
Dear VITO,
You display NDVI TOC for PROBA V for an user-defined polygon and point. Do you have plans to make this also available for Copernicus fAPAR?
Thanks a lot
You display fAPAR Anomaly from Copernicus. Is there a way (I haven't found it yet) to display NDVI Anomaly for PROBA V?
The reason for my request is that you display NDVI absolute values for polygons and points, but no NDVI Anomaly.
You display fAPAR Anomaly for a whole region, but not for a "polygons".
It would help to display the time series of anomalies for a specific polygon. As of today, with NDVI and fAPAR in your tool, it's either/or.
It would help. Thanks a lot.
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Time series based on PROBA-V
Do you plan to implement also polygon and point value in fAPAR?
How can I display NDVI Anomaly for PROBA V?
Thank you for your suggestion