A variety of air quality data products
Terrascope already offers daily, monthly, and yearly Sentinel-5P TROPOMI air quality maps. These data are provided in collaboration with BIRA/IASB, relying on their expertise in remote sensing of atmospheric gases. Since 2019, we collect all Sentinel-5P data every day to provide daily, monthly and yearly global maps of:
- nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
- carbon monoxide (CO)
- methane (CH4)
- formaldehyde (HCHO)
Additional nitrogen dioxide and new sulfur dioxide data products
Every month, an average is calculated over all daily maps to provide monthly global maps, and this process is repeated for the yearly averages, by combining the monthly maps. We now extend this portfolio with three additional air quality products, provided in collaboration with BIRA/IASB and KNMI:
- An improved NO2 product for the European area: this products is generated by KNMI (The Netherlands).
- Ground level NO2 concentration: PhD research conducted at BIRA/IASB made it possible to derive ground level nitrogen dioxide concentration. This is showcased for an area comprising the BENELUX countries, France and parts of Spain, Germany, Switzerland and Italy.
- Daily, monthly and yearly global sulfur dioxide (SO2) maps. SO2 is released naturally by volcanic activity and produced by the burning of fossil fuels that contain sulfur. Global maps (daily, monthly and yearly) are available.
You can explore and use these data via our Terrascope viewer and cloud processing services. If you cannot analyse the data in the cloud, you can also download the data via the Terrascope viewer or openEO.