Hi terrascope Community,
When I try to download ERA5 data from https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu/cdsapp#!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-land?tab=overview, for an example url is "https://download-0000-clone.copernicus-climate.eu/cache-compute-0000/cache/data2/adaptor.mars.internal-1706804600.9996507-28696-9-9774341e-7ca1-4065-b8f0-902595f621b6.zip", it shows "Unable to establish SSL connection." It may be caused by the SSL.
So could add the copernicus website to whitelist?
Domain is whitelisted
Hi, the domain you are using should already be whitelisted. Can you let us know from where you are trying this download and which tool/command you are using?
Regards, Dirk