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Sentinel 2 image size

Hello everyone,

I'm using Terrascope's jupyterlab in order to analyze the NDVI, NDBI and NDWI of a certain area over a time range. While analyzing the selected files, I noticed that while I selected the same AOI everywhere, I don't get the same image shape every time and the area observed in my image is not the same. To make my problem clearer, I have attached my code here:


In the last cell, the different shapes of the considered files are printed. Do I have to isolate my AOI in another way, because I thought that using mask.msk only the aoi is considered?




this is expected because not all files have the same intersection with your AOI. When looking at the Sentinel-2 tiling grid, you will notice that several tile IDs (e.g. 31UES, 31UER, ...) intersect with your AOI; data from these tile IDs have a different intersection with your AOI, which results in different shapes.

Regards, Dirk

Hello Dirk, thank you for the reply! I assume this is because the AOI is chosen so big? I found that I have to fiddle around a bit with the AOI in order to make all tile IDs intersect similarly


just a note: for this kind of problem, Terrascope offers the openEO API via openEO platform:

This generally solves all difficulties from trying to work directly with the complex file based products. Computing a timeseries for such indices is for instance a common use case.

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