News & Events


Impact of Sentinel-1B failure

Following the Sentinel-1B anomaly that occurred on 23 December 2021 and the news that no new acquisitions are expected for at least a few months we give an overview of the impact on the Sentinel-1 related products and services accessible via Terrascope. 

New Sentinel-5P data products coming up this year!

In collaboration with the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB) we will expand our offer of Sentinel-5P TROPOMI data products. We will release daily, monthly and yearly averaged data products for methane, formaldehyde, and sulfur dioxide in our Terrascope viewer later this year. Further, we will collaborate with BIRA-IASB and the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) on an improved nitrogen dioxide product for the European region, which we expect to release in 2023.

What’s coming in 2022?

A new year also means new and improved data and services. Discover which data products, EO services, technical updates and new features you can expect in 2022.

A brand new Marketplace to access and offer EO services

In January 2022 we will launch the Terrascope Marketplace, a brand new platform to access and offer a variety of high-quality EO data and services. The Terrascope marketplace is a valuable and innovative platform to bring end users and service providers together. For end users, it is the place to discover EO services that meet their requirements. For service providers, it is an easy way to offer their technology to the world.

Water quality products now available

Copernicus Sentinel-2 based water quality products for Belgium are now available in Terrascope.

Webinar 2021

Discover the Terrascope webinars

Discover the Terrascope webinars (and webinar recordings) to see how EO data and services are used, in research activities and operational services. Experts from different sectors show how Earth observation data and services give us the possibility to achieve more.

La Palma Sentinel-2 11/10/2021 header image

Monitoring volcano ash plumes on La Palma with different satellites

On 19 September 2021, the Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma (Canary Islands, Spain) started to erupt for the first time since 1971. Together with the outflowing lava, the crater ejected large ash plumes containing several gases, among which sulfur dioxide (SO2). Discover how three satellite instrument allow us to map and monitor the volcano ash plumes and SO2 transport.

STEM lesmodule remote sensing

Learn more about Earth observation through new STEM teaching module

Climate change, sustainability, ecology,… These are all extremely important topics. But how can we make our society more sustainable to keep our planet a healthy and livable environment? To take the right actions, we first need to know the Earth's status. Through a brand new STEM teaching module (available in Dutch), students can easily identify the use and importance of remote sensing to monitor our Earth and create a more sustainable environment for everyone.

S1 flooding BE and NL

Satellite data visualizes flooded areas in the east of Belgium

Sentinel-1 satellite, capable of observing the Earth under cloudy circumstances, shows the effects of exceptionally persistent and heavy rainfall that fell over the Ardennes, Eifel, and her surroundings in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany. Discover two Sentinel-1 images, of 9 and 15 July 2021, clearly showing the flooded areas of the Meuse river and her tributaries.


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