News & Events


Copernicus DEM

Copernicus Digital Elevation Model now available

We are proud to add the Copernicus Digital Elevation Model to our list of available datasets. You can now easily access two publicly available versions of the Copernicus DEM, the GLO-30 and GLO-90, via our EO viewer.

Virtual Machines new policy

New policy for our Virtual Machines

Due to the growing use of virtual machines on Terrascope, we changed our terms of use. Read more to avoid losing any information.


Discover TerraCatalogue, our Catalogue Web Service

Digging into our datasets is made easier for Python developers! The TerraCatalogue allows you to search through the available datasets via the web service or Python client.

News item ESA NoR

Terrascope services available via ESA's Network of Resources

Do you need more EO data processing capacity? Request our services via ESA’s Network of Resources (NoR) and get your services funded.

Terrascope OpenEO webinar

Joint openEO - Terrascope webinar

Are you interested in new, streamlined approaches to access satellite data and big Earth observation processing datasets without any operational hassle? View the recording of our openEO webinar and learn how it simplifies working with Earth observation data, which new possibilities it offers and see it in action in real world use cases on the Terrascope platform.

News coming 2021

New data and services coming in 2021

Also in 2021 we’ll keep improving our data offer, EO viewer and image processing web services. Discover the new data, features and services you can expect in the upcoming months.


Sentinel-5P air quality data available

You can now also access Sentinel-5P air quality data via our Terrascope services. Use our EO viewer to easily survey daily, monthly, and yearly averaged NO2 and CO column densities at an unprecedented sub-urban scale.

Terrascope webinar 2020

Terrascope Webinars 2020

Are you interested to see how satellite data can support you in your daily work? Or are you already using Earth observation data and services and looking for some new ideas or guidelines on how to improve your skills? View our Terrascope webinar 2020 recordings and discover the possibilities, new features, operational use cases and what’s still to come.

Performance Dashboard V2

Discover our brand new performance dashboard

Via our brand new Terrascope performance dashboard you can keep track on the real time performance status of our web services.


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